Jul 28, 2023
Carrie Betts shares strategies and the process West Maple Elementary Library undertook to earn AASL's top award.
I would like to thank composer Nazar Rybak at Hooksounds.com for the music you’ve heard today.
Literati Book Fairs: Schedule your first Literati book fair and use the code UNITED to receive a $500 Titlewave gift card
Capstone *use UNITED for $20 off $100 or more on print and ebooks
APA format for citing a podcast/podcast app
International Association of School Librarians
Carrie Betts
E152 UDL, Accessibility and Advocacy for Students
West Maple Elementary Library website
Model 21 School Library Press Release (June 2021)
SL 21 Model Library Nomination (23-23 School Year)