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Welcome to School Librarians United, a podcast dedicated to the nuts and bolts of running a successful school library.  Tune in to learn all about the issues and challenges school librarians face everyday!  Feedback and episode suggestions welcome.  

Mar 25, 2019

Join me as I address our role in promoting diversity in our collections, strategies for obtaining funding and sharing out resources and interviews from #MACUL19

I would like to thank composer Nazar Rybak at for the music you’ve heard today.  

Lifelines with hosts Ann Braden and Saadia Faruki

Book Riot: Presenting KidLit These Days

21 Books you Should Add to Your Library that Share Muslim Voices

Rachel Mainero’s Innovative Learning Hub

My presentation at MACUL RIP BookFlix: Now what?

Dr. K. Mattson (Future Ready Librarians)

Dr. K. Mattson

Dr. K. Mattson

Dr. K. Mattson (Digital Citizenship)

Dr. K. Mattson homepage

Ryan Lisek’s #MACUL19 Resources

My Middle Level Mind Podcast with Ryan Lisek